How to Walk in LOVE in Hurt or Trauma… [learning to love those who’ve hurt us.]

Acknowledge the Reality of Hurt.
The reality is we live in a fallen, imperfect world full of messy, broken people and it’s only a matter of time before we are hurt by someone or we inflict pain on another. We are even told in God’s Word that we are to expect trouble in this world. Hurt is unavoidable and as the saying goes “hurting people, hurt people!” When we can let go of the fallacy that an imperfect world can be set straight, our expectations of a trouble-free world ease. And we’re able to recognize who the real enemy is.
“Your adversary the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour.” 1 Peter 5:8
By understanding who the real enemy is, we begin to view our transgressors through a lens of understanding. It is through this unique perspective we begin to see the human condition. Our understanding leads us to extend compassion. Compassion leads us to an amazing grace. It is through His grace, we learn to LOVE as God does—with an unfathomable love!
Recognize the Enemy’s Schemes.
One way the devil seeks to kill and destroy is through our relationships. His weapons of choice? Shame. Pride. Greed. Bitterness. Fear. Unforgiveness. As Christ followers, we must avoid remaining “stuck” in our hurt. Otherwise, we may never receive healing for ourselves. And quite conceivably, we will become susceptible to the enemy’s schemes of perpetuating a cycle of hurt.
Making a perspective change from earthly to eternal enables us to withstand the hurt furled against us allowing us to respond in the moment with love. I absolutely love this quote by C.S. Lewis “Being a Christian means forgiving the inexcusable in others because God has forgiven the inexcusable in us.”
“If You, Lord, were to keep account of guilty deeds, Lord, who could stand?” Psalm 130:3
We are called to love the unloveable, y’all. Difficult people and circumstances are who and what makes #theLOVEchallenge so necessary—and so challenging!? And that includes you and me.
Walk in His Love.
Praying for our enemies is the best way we can learn to walk in love. We may be the only person in their sphere of influence praying for them!? Pray God will bless them, minister to their needs, and heal their wounds. Pray your adversaries will be responsive to the Holy Spirit’s promptings. And pray God will equip you to walk and respond, when necessary, in His gentleness.
“Let your gentleness be evident to all the Lord is near.” Phil. 4:5
When we are unable to get past an offense, we miss out on the blessing of being used by God. And someone else may become the “hero” of our story. But when we respond in love as God does with a perfect love, His love is completed and perfected in us. And we become un-offendable! Although we’ll never achieve true completion until we reach our heavenly destination, I can’t help but ask what if we tried?
“To be so full of God’s love, I could not fathom speaking an unkind word or committing an unkind.” That is my quest. Join me!?
Lord, help me to see past my own hurt and see the wounds another soul carries. Help me to understand, in order to love better. Help me to respond to my adversaries with gentleness. Help me to be so full of [Your] love, I become un-offendable. Help me to walk in LOVE all the days of my life.
Field note: 💞 I think it’s important for all of us to remember, loving our enemies doesn’t release them from the consequences of their actions. Our job is simply to love and let God sort out the rest.
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