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Hello Oklahoma:)

Sometimes, I forget… 

I’ve told the story so many times the pen is near rote. God said go. And through His strength and wisdom—we did! Through His all-knowing, we avoided the devastation of battling a pandemic and mama’s cancer from cross-country. And without the ease of financial burdens lessened. 

He saved my heart from near ruin… 

He graced me with blessing after blessing… 

He gave me the desires of my heart…

He answered my cries… and even took me up on a dare for a miracle! 

Salty, biblical stuff y’all! God prepared our hearts months (and years) in advance for this seismic pivot which presented itself almost over night. He knew my mama would be needing me. And he knew a pandemic was fast approaching. And I realize…

I could’ve been Jonah 

landing in the belly of the whale. 

So many times, I have chosen not to listen; Not to obey. 

But, oh how often we forget to thank him for the deliverance from the desert in the rearview mirror!? With laser focus, we hone-in on the minor annoyances and daily frustrations which whittle away our postures of praise. And instead, we wallow in our grumblings…

Oh, Lord forgive me when I complain. 

Let me not forget the everyday miracles all around me. 

Because so often I do forget, 

I forfeit the peace of knowing.

Are you waiting for a miracle? Hold on. God’s timing is always perfect. If God has moved mountains in your favor—like me, fall flat on your face and praise Him. And if God is asking you to do something big (or small) just do it! Because you can never outsmart or hide from God. 

Can you remember a time when you heard God’s voice and you followed His lead? I can…

Goodbye Nashville. Hello Oklahoma.

”My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27

And gratitude is my song, once again. 💕

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