Divine Appointments… [Godwinks, Coincidences, and Heavenly Happenstance]

Divine Appointments… [Godwinks, Coincidences, and Heavenly Happenstance]

Without my prior knowledge and on more than one occasion, God has recently filled my calendar with divine appointments. Equal parts coming alongside others as they journey, but also being “loved on” in ways my tender heart needed.  When visiting Nash-town last week, each family member had their “must-do” list of places to visit and things…

Over My Head…  [Hope and Prayer for Heavenly Justice]
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Over My Head… [Hope and Prayer for Heavenly Justice]

Yesterday, someone in my feed asked the question “What moment over the past year stands out for you?” She was referring to George Floyd, of course. One such moment was the words of @esaumccaulley when He said “LOVE is sufficient to gather all the divided peoples of the world, people like George Floyd. There is…