Correcting Injustice: The Self-Emptying Love of Jesus Christ
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Correcting Injustice: The Self-Emptying Love of Jesus Christ

To Correct or Not to Correct? Have you ever made a snap judgement about someone or something? Sadly, I often make snap judgements. But recently, I found myself the recipient of someone else’s snap judgement. And it took all the Jesus-lovin’ strength I could muster, friends, not to email this person and set them straight….

Over My Head…  [Hope and Prayer for Heavenly Justice]
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Over My Head… [Hope and Prayer for Heavenly Justice]

Yesterday, someone in my feed asked the question “What moment over the past year stands out for you?” She was referring to George Floyd, of course. One such moment was the words of @esaumccaulley when He said “LOVE is sufficient to gather all the divided peoples of the world, people like George Floyd. There is…