How to Love Others [with the Heart of The Creator]

How to Love Others with God’s Heart
My good friend, Michele, and I are reading/studying Bonhoeffer’s book, Life Together. And both of us agree this book will forever change our lives [and the way we greet and, subsequently, love our brothers and sisters in Christ]. Truth be told, we could walk away from reading the first chapter and be totally changed—forever!
“Scriptures” Bonhoeffer suggests “provide us [the blueprint] for our life together.”
We are just two weeks out from starting the #tlccommunity Scripture study. It will be a short, but mighty, study this year! God is already downloading things that are blowing my mind and transforming my heart.
And that’s the goal, right!?
To be so full of God’s love, we’re transformed by the heart of The Creator and thus compelled to LOVE His creation, fiercely!!

Loving others, as believers, is our calling; our mission.
“Be on the alert. Stand firm in the faith. Be men of courage. Be strong. Do everything in love” – 1 Corinthians 16:14
I’d love for you to join me in this lifelong, life-altering quest of accepting God’s call to love—and in all of life’s hardest places, too!! I can’t guarantee you it will be easy, friends. But I can promise you, it will totally be worth it!! 🙌🏻💕
Tap the links to join this year’s #tlcjourney. 💞FB: #TLCcommunity 💞Email: #acceptthelovechallenge