When All You Can Do Is Pray… [#PrayforUkraine]
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When All You Can Do Is Pray… [#PrayforUkraine]

 Thursday of this past week just felt so heavy… and hard. I had been praying for the Ukraine for several weeks. Specifically, for the team of #StormyGirl’s favorite luxury pajama makers. In her former role, she worked closely with this team to develop an exclusive piece for her employer.  When I learned these ridiculously beautiful…

Over My Head…  [Hope and Prayer for Heavenly Justice]
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Over My Head… [Hope and Prayer for Heavenly Justice]

Yesterday, someone in my feed asked the question “What moment over the past year stands out for you?” She was referring to George Floyd, of course. One such moment was the words of @esaumccaulley when He said “LOVE is sufficient to gather all the divided peoples of the world, people like George Floyd. There is…