How to Love the World… [one challenging circumstance at a time]
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How to Love the World… [one challenging circumstance at a time]

When I issued the very first LOVE challenge to myself and asked others to join, what I really desired in this world more than anything was to be one of those “rare Christians” Tozer talked about. A Christ-follower whose very presence compelled others to become “better Christians” themselves. Apart from God, none of us are…

Correcting Injustice: The Self-Emptying Love of Jesus Christ
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Correcting Injustice: The Self-Emptying Love of Jesus Christ

To Correct or Not to Correct? Have you ever made a snap judgement about someone or something? Sadly, I often make snap judgements. But recently, I found myself the recipient of someone else’s snap judgement. And it took all the Jesus-lovin’ strength I could muster, friends, not to email this person and set them straight….