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How to Love the World… [one challenging circumstance at a time]

How to be a better Christian.

When I issued the very first LOVE challenge to myself and asked others to join, what I really desired in this world more than anything was to be one of those “rare Christians” Tozer talked about. A Christ-follower whose very presence compelled others to become “better Christians” themselves.

Apart from God, none of us are capable of  becoming anything close to Christ’s likeness. But with God in us, we’re made new; pure as snow. Born of God, “all things are possible.” And as we work out our salvation [over time] in Him, we become white-hot vessels capable of pouring out unfathomable love—and in all of life’s hardest places!

Although the original wording has changed just a bit over the years, please allow me on this 10th #TLCanniversary to humbly re-submit my request to you. 

“Not only to be so full of God’s love [I no longer fathom speaking unkind words or committing unkind deeds], but to shine so bright for all the world to see.”

This is my quest, won’t you join me!? 

Not so that others will change and finally be in agreement with us!? But because we desire to be transformed into His likeness; a light illuminating the darkness. This is how a watching, wondering world might come to know Him—and believe. This is our mission; our quest. Our world is in desperate need of a loving Savior, friends.

And don’t forget to tuck-in a little reminder note to add yourself to that elongated checklist of hard-to-love people; gently whispering “You are worthy to be loved!” Simply, because you’re His beloved creation.

We are just a little over a week from kicking off the #TLCcommunity bible study where we’ll spend nine weeks studying what God’s words says about loving others in a fallen, imperfect world full of messy broken people. Its not too late to join us. 👈🏻 Simply, tap the link. Also, if you prefer to receive the week’s study via email, just message me your email address and request 🙋🏼‍♀️ to receive the TLC EMAIL.

My wish for all of us as we embark on this tenth anniversary year of re-issuing and re-accepting the love challenge is that 2024 is the year we finally blow the lid off this love thing, y’all!. And not only through [our] acts of loving-kindness, grace, and mercy, but through the undeniable, unshakable, infallible, and unfathomable love we sincerely possess for a world often deemed void of lovability. And we’ll do itone challenging circumstance at a time! 💕 xoxo

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