A Meaningful Journey

For quite some time now, I have had the very distinct feeling that something new was on the horizon for me. I could just ‘sense’ it! God was dealing with me and preparing me for something as He had before. In January of 2013, the need to discover this new dimension for my life became so gnawing, I began praying for God to reveal HIS purpose to me. This blog, ‘A Meaningful Journey,’ is partially His answer to that prayer.
I don’t even begin to pretend I have all of the answers to life’s tough questions. LIFE is incredibly complicated and there are no easy answers. Life on this earth can never nor ever will be perfect. We are imperfect beings living in a fallen, broken world! But I find tremendous solace knowing ‘This Side of Heaven,’ God watches over me and cares for me and infinitely… ‘HIS plans for me are so much greater than I could have ever hoped or dreamed.’ (Eph. 3:20)
I look forward to sharing the journey… to GOD be the glory!
MEANING is the most basic, human need. If we can understand the ‘Why,’ we can endure almost anything. – Victor Frankl