Over My Head…  [Hope and Prayer for Heavenly Justice]
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Over My Head… [Hope and Prayer for Heavenly Justice]

Yesterday, someone in my feed asked the question “What moment over the past year stands out for you?” She was referring to George Floyd, of course. One such moment was the words of @esaumccaulley when He said “LOVE is sufficient to gather all the divided peoples of the world, people like George Floyd. There is…

Evil, Self-Serve, and a Holy Juxtaposition… {Does God Really Exist}
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Evil, Self-Serve, and a Holy Juxtaposition… {Does God Really Exist}

Through the ages, so much thought and emphasis has been placed on answering the question “Does God really exist?” And “Is Heaven real?” But seldom have we asked “Where does evil come from?” Most of the time, we barely acknowledge that evil even exists in this world. And when we do, we attribute its identity…

Changing Hearts

Changing Hearts

Real evil exists in this world. And it springs from within the heart of every man. To change the world (to really cure what ails it,) you must first change the heart of man. Since changing a heart’s condition is a one-person job, no ONE can change another’s! But one can certainly impact another’s. Are your deeds,…