I Am From poem… [Finding Hope and Healing]

I am from Gospel sounds. From Sunday dinners made from scratch.
I am from parents who tried as best they could, but also lost their way.
I am from magnolias tall whose beckoning branches encouraged me skywards—always.
I am from hand-me-down dresses and scrapbooks full of girlhood achievements.
From Jack and from Nellie. From as close to God as one could get and anguished prayers—through a loving grandma’s salty tears.
From sadness and from joy. I am from those who tried to earn their way. From roast and potatoes and Mozie’s red velvet piled five layers high. From upward mobility of educational drive and from ignorance built of selfish pride.
Dolls who drowned by a brother’s hand…
I am from a space that was filled by a Heavenly Father’s amazing grace.
I am from Gospel sounds. 🙏🏻💕
So, where are you from? And how has God ministered to you along the way?

Just a few of the “singing books” from which my grandpa taught and my mama accompanied during the 40’s and 50′ while at “singing schools” in the south. Many contain songs my Grandpa Jack wrote.
Today’s post is an exercise I participated in through Compel Training and Jennifer Dukes Lee “Grow Slow” book study. It was hard to write, harder to publish, but oh so healing. You can download your own “I Am From” template. If you do, I’d love to read it. Here is the link:
Join me on the healing #tlcjourney and accept the challenge to love a broken, unlovable world one challenge at a time.