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God’s Demonstrates His Love…

This tattered, incomplete set of 1950’s commentaries may not look like much to you. But to me, they are proof of God’s love for me.

As I prepared this week’s #TLCcommunity study, I thumbed back through some old notebooks. It was then I had the thought, I wish I had the Barclay commentaries that I enjoyed so much at the BBC library in Nashville. It seemed so impossible in the moment. I doubt I even gave it as much thought as to even whisper a prayer. And believe me if I’d have thought of it, I most certainly would’ve prayed for it.

It was the next afternoon that God showed up at an estate sale to prove just how ‘possible’ things are for those who love Him and called according to His purpose. It’s as if God wanted to remind me of all the ways He has been exceedingly faithful.

You see driving by this expansive ranch every day, literally reminds me, I live a stones throw away from I-35. The vast, open fields allow me to clearly see traffic flowing. It was 2019, when I uttered, “Lord, either move everyone who needs caring for to I-65 or move me to I-35.”

But on this day, a sign appeared. Estate sale.

I love a good estate sale. And the thought of a breath taking view enticed me to pull over. It was there amongst the treasures of a life well-lived that God demonstrated just how immeasurable His love truly is. What I didn’t even dare to dream or pray for, an out-of-print set of commentaries, suddenly appeared. God heard the simple desire of my heart. And He delivered, in Hometown, OK?!

My next door-ish, rancher neighbor held these books for who knows how many years, just so that on this day, I could know I am seen and loved by a God who cares. All things are possible for those who love Him. And He demonstrates HIS GREAT LOVE in seemingly impossible ways, and in spite of my often grumbly nature.

“But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” – Romans 5:8

Has God ever demonstrated His love for you in an unexpected way? How did it make you feel? 💕

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