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The Best Kind of Friend… [and God’s Purpose in Suffering.]

The best kind of friend is a praying friend.
The Best Kind of Friend is a Praying Friend. – unknown

The best kind of friend is a praying friend.

rosette disease

It’s no secret 2024 has been a hard year for the Rains’ household. Little by little, I’ve pulled back the curtains in this season of life and let friends in…  I might’ve overshared a time or two. But the reality is when we share our “stuff,” our friends show up and shower us with God’s great LOVE. And sometimes the smallest of ways are the most significant. 

In our hardest weeks, friends, gathered around us in prayer. Others made room for drop-in crying sessions; inviting us into their home, time-and-time again, lavishing us with their love. One such friend, dropped off a mason jar full of pink zinnias [above] and even prayed for my roses when they were stricken with rosette disease [right]. A devastating loss for my tender heart as I’d planted them during the summer of 2020 while my mama battled cancer. 

God cares about our suffering.

Through sharing our “stuff” and leaning into our brokenness, we learn collectively to fully embrace the unfathomable love God possesses for His beloved. And we begin to love, celebrate, and grieve for one another more lavishly. Further, when we share our struggles and fears with others, we invite them to share their “stuff” too.

God cares about it all, friend. God has shown me through this season of darkness that I needed to heal from the broken stories of my childhood, before He can use my stories for his glory! I’m not gonna lie, it’s been brutal. But my “light and momentary afflictions are achieving an eternal glory” that far outweighs my troubles, friends. [2 Cor. 4:17]

One of my most emotionally dark days while praying for a tiny miracle.

The world can never fully know, understand, or love us. I thank the Lord that He alone wipes away all my tears–and fears. I thank Him for the kindnesses He has shown me through friends who pray for my roses and everything else going badly in my life. And most importantly, I thank Him for sending his Son to suffer and die on a cross. So that we might live more abundantly!

I’m grateful to know that good and bad seasons have beginnings—and endings. And I’m exceedingly grateful for all the ways, God has drawn me nearer in my distress. I’ve learned how to love others better in their times of trouble. And moving forward, I’ll give pause before slapping on a a band-aid of Christian platitude on another person’s suffering. But instead I’ll choose to remember Paul’s wise words, “Rejoice with those who rejoice; [and] mourn with those who mourn.” – Romans 12:15

Mourning with those who mourn is [real] LOVE in action, yall. 🙌🏻 But I’m emerging more healed. More confident in His love. And MORE of who He created me to be. Glory be to God! 

God has infinite purpose in our suffering.

Oswald Chambers once said, “If through a broken heart God can bring His purposes to pass in the world, then thank Him for breaking yours.” Amen. 

Summer 2024 | Hometown, OK

Isn’t it comforting to know that in our SUFFERING, nothing is ever wasted? Our suffering holds infinite purpose, friend, should we choose to allow it to work for our good.

Through this season of hard, I’ve wrestled with God’s goodness and learned the truest expression of my identity. Always approved. Always heard, seen, and valued. Always held. And always and forever, loved.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” – Romans 8:28

Although my roses aren’t as stunning as they once were, bearing scars from the enemy’s attack, they are remarkably resilient and bring beauty to my little corner of the world. But most importantly, my battle-scarred roses remind me to live loved as the glory of The Creator.

Are you blessed with a community of prayer warriors who have walked alongside you in the trenches? Why not give them a shout-out and thank them for being the best kind of friend–a praying friend, today! 💕

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