A Lesson in Love (and Humility)

Recently, a woman requested not only a good definition for love but, also, she asked “What does it (actually) mean to love people…?”
To really, truly love (people) is to love the way God loves! And God loves relentlessly with an everlasting and unfathomable love. The Bible tells us:
- Nothing can separate us from Gods love. (Isa. 54:10)
- Because we were so loved (by God) and so lost in this world, God chose to send His beloved Son (down to earth) to save us. (John 3:16)
It is in Christ’s death, God demonstrated just how unfathomable His love for us really is!?
When we allow ourselves to consider the deeper meaning of John 3:16, we come to realize to what immeasurable extent God loved us and to what enormous cost he willingly gave. He paid with the blameless’ blood of His son, Jesus Christ!
Jesus was the supreme example of God’s greatest commandment.* Matter of fact, Jesus’ entire life on earth can be summed up as a divine lesson in loving God and loving others. He faced, conquered, and finished the biggest Love Challenge ever issued when he died on the cross!
Loving the lovable is easy! But it is much, much harder to love those who disappoint us, offend us, or (even worse) plot our demise!? Jesus did this. Jesus washed His disciple’s feet knowing what was to come. (John 13:1-20) He knew Thomas would doubt. He knew Peter would deny him three times. And he knew Judas would betray him!? Talk about a lesson in love – and humility!
The love of Christ is counter-intuitive. It is humble. It is the complete yielding of self (and one’s selfish desires) to the higher purpose of the Heavenly Father. When I remember Christ’s demonstrated humility on the cross, I am completely and utterly compelled to share His love. The words ‘saved a wretch like me’ no longer contain hollow meaning but instead humble me at His glorious feet. How can I not share the extravagant love He lovingly bestowed on me? Do I care so little? Do I love Him so little?

The world so desperately needs to see people filled with the love of Christ. Unbelievers will be astounded by our love, if we’re doing it right!? Our love is tangible proof God exists. Our words and actions are a beacon of light (and hope) leading others back to a loving Savior.
God tells us to act justly and love mercy. (Micah 6:8) As believers, we should weep and mourn for those lost in sin; interceding (for them) in prayer. This is how we love people! We love them in spite of their brokenness, rebellion, shortcomings, and failures. We love them with a love beyond all reason. We love them like God does… We love them with a boundless love!
The Love Challenge is for the unloveable, y’all! We are called to love the unlovable. And that includes you and me.
“To be SO FULL of God’s love that I could not fathom speaking an unkind word or committing an unkind deed.”
– the Love Challenge
Lord, guide me to walk humbly; filling me up with your abundant love. Help me to love others the way YOU love them! Final thought…
How great is the love God has lavished on us that we
should be called His children. (1 John 3:1)
*Matthew 22:36-40