The Gift

I have always loved this meme. It’s simplicity in truth is profound.
As I grieve the closing doors in my life, I’m reminded of this visual. An illustration of a child of God clutching ‘the Gift,’ too afraid to let it go. And my thought was…
I’m desperately holding tight to a door yearning to close because I fear the unknown. I long for blessing but I weep for the comfort of the known. Simply, I lack trust in the good gifts of the Father.
So often we stare at a closing door for far too long that we forget to look for the open window. A fresh breeze of blessing waiting to be discovered. An up-grade. Tailor made. Just for us. Just for this season. And the reality is…
I must ‘let go’ in order to receive. The unknown, quite possibly, most likely, is an answer to my prayers. And the question grips my soul “What if what I am going through today is a direct result of something I prayed for!?”
What doors might you need to let go of today? What windows might you need to embrace?
These words, inked in red, fuel me for the journey.
“Don’t be afraid. Just believe.” Mark 5:36
Lord, help me to trust in your good gifts, today! Help me to believe even when it’s incredibly hard to see the up-grade. Give me the courage to ‘let go’ and take the uneasy steps; fully embracing all that you have for me. Finally, give me peace, beyond all understanding, in knowing that your love for me neither fails nor waivers.
*I am unable to trace this well-shared and beloved meme to it’s origins. If you have any information regarding the artist, please dm me.