Promise for the Journey…

At the age of eighteen, God gave me a promise. A dream – if you will. A dream for my life’s purpose and a promise for my future. Thirty-two years have come and gone and, finally, the ‘big reveal’ has arrived. The proverbial unveiling. Ta-dah! Here it is…
Thirty-two years of waiting, friends!? But I was not yet ready. His timing had not arrived. Til now…
While thinking over the enormity of God’s amazing grace through it all, I was reminded of a song I sang as a child.
“He’s still workin’ on me. To make me what I ought to be.
It took him just a week to make the moon and stars, the sun,
and the earth, and Jupiter and Mars!
How lovely and patient, He must be!?
Cause He’s still working on me!”*
Oh, how lovely, patient, and truly faithful the Lord is.
Don’t ever give up hope, friends! No matter what insurmountable obstacle seems to plague you. No matter what promise or dream seems lost or forgotten!? Keep prayin’… Keep believin’… Keep standin’ on His promises!
Taste and see that the Lord is good! Psalm 34:8
Just as I scurried to snap a photo of this phenomenal, single-arced rainbow (months prior) stretched out in all it’s glory – as far as the eye could see, God was already beginning to unravel the vision, the purpose – the meaning for the journey!
And looking back, I can say it was all worth it. Every last bit.
*lyrics by Joel Hemphill