God’s [Amazing] Grace…

At the heart of accepting The Love Challenge is a “holy yearning” for God’s LOVE to illuminate your life. When we meet the challenge to love a broken world with God’s amazing grace and unfathomable love, we are transformed to Christ-likeness. LOVE is the light of the world and extraordinary grace the distinguishing mark of a true believer.
GRACE kept marching towards Jerusalem—towards death. Not that we could ever hope to accomplish this remarkable feat in our own strength, but that we traverse in Christ’s example. Exchanging this kind of Calvary marching, self-sacrificing love for evil and unkindness in this world is how we will serve as light bearers and point others to Jesus, the Light of all lights.
“And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become more like Him.” – 2 Cor. 3:18
As Resurrection Sunday approaches, let’s consider how can we meet the challenge to love in all the hard places and SHINE in the darkness. Do you possess a holy yearning to love as God does?
“Not only to be “so full” of God’s love [that we no longer fathom speaking an unkind word or committing an unkind deed], but to SHINE so bright for all the world to see.” This is my quest, join me!?
How can you march towards your own Jerusalem in your current life circumstances? I’d love to hear in the comments below.
To join the quest and #acceptthelovechallenge, visit the link: Accept The Love Challenge. By sharing your email, you’ll receive your free #tlcnavigationguide, #tlcacceptancecard, and a free mini-devotional, The Love Challenge: Loving a Broken, Unlovable World One Challenge at a Time. 💕
Need prayer for the journey? Message me.