Storms… [finding the meaning in it all?]

Weekend before last, hubby and I returned #CousinCarl back to his natural habitat. A weather alert informed us of possible tornado weather ahead. So, we were forced to pull over and wait for the storm to pass. As we continued on, rays of sunshine accompanied by a beautiful rainbow replaced the stormy skies in the distance. Later that evening as we pulled into the hotel, I was reminded of our last trip together and the rainbow-wrapped vision God was unraveling back then. A new opportunity… Hubby and I sat in the car, as he received the call.
I barely slept a wink that August night before what was supposed to be the defendant’s plea and the end of our family’s five year journey for justice. Would we soon be moving? The short answer was no—not yet. But soon thereafter (6 mos later), the answer came. And boy, did God throw open the floodgates and bless us with one blessing after another. Hello Oklahoma.
Many soul crushing trials have accompanied the journey, some more than a human heart can handle. But with TRUST in the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness, I’ve learned to keep walking on the water as He calls me—careful to not look down. For surely as I do, I’ll sink.
“And now isn’t it wonderful all the ways in which this distress has goaded you closer to God? You’re more alive, more concerned, more sensitive, more reverent, more human, more passionate, more responsible” (2 Cor. 7:11).
And my soul rejoices.
“SING when your trials are greatest, trust in the Lord and take heart.”
– F. J.Crosby
In Him—who is always faithful, will we find meaning (and purpose) for the journey.
Are you in the midst (or path) of a storm? Be encouraged.
Lord, we know you to be faithful and good! Help us to fix our eyes on you in the storms of life. Thank you for the ability to call on you in our distress and affording us the privilege of pointing others to you. Help us to remember the meaning for the journey; bearing your image. 💕