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Trusting God’s Goodness [in the Darkness]

Trusting God's goodness in the darkness

If We’re Being Honest

Neither the church nor our broken world needs more SHINY PEOPLE who hide behind the veneer of an audible “fine.” The world needs more Christians willing to process and wrestle publicly. Because when we are honest about the world’s brokenness and our struggles within it, we underscore the futility of our own self-sufficiency. And through the sharing of our struggles and fears with others, we invite them to share their “stuff” too.

Through sharing our stuff and leaning into our brokenness, we learn to fully embrace the unfathomable love God possesses for His beloved. And we love, celebrate, and grieve for one another more lavishly.

Our Truest Nature Revealed

Everything my family and I have endured in this season of hard in Hometown, OK is a direct answer to a prayer I’ve prayed. Every stronghold is tearing down. And every lie I believed from the enemy is erasing from my heart. And like a butterfly, I am emerging more beautiful; more whole. More of who He created me to be. Death [to self-mindedness] is being conquered, and a beloved child is arising strengthened by the armor of His Truth. 

“We all, with unveiled faces, are looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord and are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory…” 2 Cor. 3:18

We live victoriously when we understand our truest nature; beloved. And because of Christ’s work on the cross, our collective lament can end in glorious praise. This great unknowing is my ultimate triumph, friends. Victory is ours. Lament is simply the vehicle which housed my victory song.

🎶 Darkness does not prevail. Love conquers all. Love always wins. 🎶

The world will never fully know me, understand me, or love me. But I thank you, Lord, that my need for my father’s approval [or others] no longer grips me. I can finally let go of my expectations from others to satisfy what only God can satisfy. God alone wipes away all my tears–and fears. Knowing Him defines my very existence. I am the glory of my Heavenly Father.

Trusting God’s Goodness [in the Darkness]

As children, self-reliance may have been what we needed to survive. But as maturing believers, we must cast it aside in order to thrive. Our suffering holds infinite purpose, should we choose to allow it to work for our good. 

“Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves, but on God who raises the dead.” 2 Cor. 1:9

I’m incredibly grateful for this season of hard. I’ve wrestled with God’s goodness and learned the truest expression of my identity. Always approved. Always heard, seen, and valued. Always held. Always and forever, loved.

Lord, knowing you defines me. Help me to always remember, I am Your glory. Keep me ever-reliant on You; trusting your goodness in the darkness. Thank you for every heartache, every struggle, every miracle.

To trust God in the light is nothing, friends, but to TRUST HIM in the darkness, that is faith.” – Charles Spurgeon 

When it’s hard reconciling why bad things happen and we cannot trace His hand, we can trust His heart.* We are dearly loved, friends. More than our hearts and minds can possibly fathom. And hope does not put us to shame, because His love has been poured into our hearts.

I trust you, Lord [even in the darkness].

Does others lament [or your own] feel off-putting to you? What are some healthy ways to grieve with those who are lamenting? 💕

*partial Spurgeon quote

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