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10 Years Ago…. [Looking Back and Pressing Onward]

10 years ago this summer, two incredible things happened…  

A New Calling…

“See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:19

10 years ago this summer, at the height of the Ice Bucket Challenge, I had the thought, “What the world really needs is a love challenge!?!” I announced to the world a new thing on the horizon, a Christian blog, A Meaningful Journey—This Side of Heaven. And I promised to be faithful…

But little did I know, six months later, I would abandon the blog for over a year and embark on a five-year journey of chasing justice. A journey that would be costly in so many ways! But God was exceedingly faithful and lovingly prepared our hearts and minds. 

A New Way to Serve…

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: To look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” – James 1:27

Gifted as a Christmas present to Cousin Carl, this trip to Nashville over Labor Day in 2014 lead to a prayer that changed the trajectory of all of our lives, forever. So much so, the entire year of 2015 is defined by this single moment. I prayed, “God position me and equip me to help Carl, if ever he should need it.” Four months later, I received the call to serve God’s Kingdom purpose. Remnants of Nellie and Nolan, our grandparents, Carl and I will celebrate ten years of guardianship this Spring. We’re exceedingly grateful for the journey. And all the ways God has blessed us and used our story of “Chasing Justice” for His glory.

Pressing Onward in the Newness…

“Great PEACE have those who love Your law, and nothing can make them stumble.” – Psalm 119:165 

Our lives look so vastly different from the day this picture was taken in the summer of 2014… Amazingly, our days of chasing justice ended on Dec. 24th, 2019. My mama’s cancer journey and our subsequent, brutal move to Hometown, OK began just ten short days later on Jan. 6th, 2020.

And now through this incredibly dark season that is 2024 and all of its suffering and uncertainty, God has reminded me that “Miracles often take time.” And perhaps more importantly, there is no limit on God’s supply of miracles! Praise God, y’all! 🙌🏻

Looking back to the summer, 10 years ago, that changed the trajectory of my life; pressing onward and living life for Kingdom purpose--and loving fiercely!

In the words of Charles Spurgeon, “To trust God in the light is nothing. But to trust Him in the darkness, that is faith.” Incredible to think all of this “Living Life for Kingdom Purpose—and Loving Fiercely!” started 10 years ago!? 

Miracles abound, we need only ask. Can you trace God’s hand in your journey, friend? How has God been faithful in your journey? As always, I’d love to hear. 💕

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