How to BE LOVE in a [Not-So-Perfect] Barbie World…
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How to BE LOVE in a [Not-So-Perfect] Barbie World…

I snapped this photo of a wayward, perfectly pink Barbie shoe as I walked into my Bible study in Nashville—four summers ago. And I’ve kept it on my phone, all this time?! What can I say, it spoke to me. I guess because I’m still a Barbie girl at heart. As a young girl, Barbie…

How to Love The Unlovable… [in the wake of another tragedy]
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How to Love The Unlovable… [in the wake of another tragedy]

Every time I hear of another school shooting, I always return to the same, recurring thought. “Woe is the suffering/misery this person surely endured to have committed such an unfathomable act of horror.” Often you’ll read the words, “I hope the killer rots in hell.” But clearly they’ve already experienced hell. Hell on this earth….

Telling the Story of His Wondrous Love…  [a Christmas memory]
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Telling the Story of His Wondrous Love… [a Christmas memory]

My [almost] oldest childhood friend gifted me this photo of us for my high school graduation. I believe it was taken shortly after moving to Hometown, OK from Dallas, TX. Late in the fall of ‘73 my little brother and I stayed with my grandparents while our new home was being readied for our arrival….

10 Ways to Respond When You’ve Been “Ghosted.”
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10 Ways to Respond When You’ve Been “Ghosted.”

We’ve all been “ghosted” in some form or fashion in our lifetime, haven’t we? Perhaps we’ve even ghosted a person or two ourselves?  “Ghosting” occurs when someone suddenly cuts off communication with you without any explanation, leaving the “ghosted” person scratching their heads wondering, What went wrong!? Ghosting, in most instances, says more about the…

Talk to Your Kids… [Active Shooter Alert: The Call No Parent Wants to Receive]
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Talk to Your Kids… [Active Shooter Alert: The Call No Parent Wants to Receive]

One fall morning in 2015, I received a call no parent wants to receive… An active shooter was reported on my daughter’s campus. And not only was the shooter in her immediate vicinity, but he was headed towards the College of Business. As she took cover in a professor’s office along with her classmates, we…

How to Be Kind To Others… [a back-to-school message]
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How to Be Kind To Others… [a back-to-school message]

As kids head back to school, it’s a great time to remind them to spread God’s love through loving words and kind deeds. Kindness is the “new cool.”* I love how an educator [and member of the #tlccommunity] expresses the reminder–so simply, yet so profoundly. “You don’t have to be fake, just [be] kind.” KINDNESS…